Ship smart, get rewards

Unlock exclusive savings with every shipment with Freightquote® Rewards. Join from your existing Freightquote dashboard or create an account today.

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Freightquote Rewards

Ready to unlock savings?

Earn shipping Rewards dollars when you book LTL (Less Than Truckload) or Truckload shipments. Bank your savings and redeem instantly on future LTL and Truckload shipments at booking.

Join now by signing in to your Freightquote account or creating an account. Get access to members-only seasonal promotions throughout the year while racking up the savings—the more you ship the more you save!

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Ship. Save. Repeat.

Watch the shipping discounts stack up—with Freightquote Rewards you can earn more than $300 in savings!
It’s easy to join and even easier to save. Here’s how it works:

neon enroll in freightquote rewards icon

Step 1: Enroll

Create an account or sign in to join Freightquote Rewards from your dashboard

neon Freightquote pallet icon

Step 2: Ship freight

Quote and book your LTL or FTL shipments with Freightquote—and earn a $20 reward on your first shipment

neon freightquote rewards badge icon

Step 3: Earn shipping rewards

Start banking your savings to use on future LTL or FTL shipments

Save more with Freightquote Rewards

Don’t miss out on exclusive promotions, only for Freightquote Rewards members. Sign up and check your dashboard for additional savings.

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Freightquote Rewards: Frequently asked questions

What is Freightquote Rewards?
How can I save money on shipments with Freightquote Rewards?
How do I join Freightquote Rewards?
How do I access my Freightquote Rewards dashboard?
When will my Rewards be added to my account?
Can I use my Freightquote Rewards with another promo code?
What if I have more questions about Freightquote Rewards?

Freightquote® Rewards Terms & Conditions
Freightquote Rewards program is exclusive to Freightquote by C.H. Robinson customers booking through the Freightquote online platform. Rewards Dollars can be earned and redeemed on less-than-truckload (LTL) and full truckload shipment quotes only. Not valid on small parcel shipment quotes. Not valid on outstanding balances or carrier adjustment fees. Rewards Dollars have no cash value.

Rewards Dollars can be earned and redeemed on less-than-truckload (LTL) and full truckload shipment quotes only after enrollment to the Freightquote Rewards program.

Reward Dollars are one-time use only per account, limited time only. Freightquote Rewards program and these Terms & Conditions are subject to change or termination at the discretion of Freightquote by C.H. Robinson at any time. Any changes or modifications will be effective immediately.